Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Looking for new places to volunteer?

When looking to volunteer at a site that best fit your interest visit to help best find your preference. This site is excellent in helping to find exact locations of volunteer opportunities of all different locations in and outside of your community. They have everything from non-profits to major businesses and corporations to gain volunteer experience from. I give this site an A+ for its direct contact links and exquisite search engine, and recommend this site to anyone looking for volunteer experience regardless of your age. The site is very easy to use, your only simple task is to type in your location and preference and instantly you are exposed to hundreds of volunteer opportunities in your local community. I learned that this site is also a network for volunteers and volunteer recruiters to network and share their recent volunteer experiences and how much they felt this search engine helped them find just what they where looking for.
This is a national site for national volunteers to are a part of projects ranging from building houses to hosting birthday parties for homeless children. This website gives you various opportunities to give back throughout this organization, if you want to be a part of their organizations, donate to their organization, or donating a vehicle of some sort to help homeless/struggling families. I recommend this site for college students or adults who have a flexible schedule to accommodate to their posted volunteer schedule. If looking to join a group of volunteers on a national level I recommend visiting Volunteers of America.

Interested in the medical field?

If you are interested in working in the health career field, and love working with kids as well; you should consider visiting the The American Pediatric Surgical Association website at This is a website for new surgeons to network and contact other surgeons in their field across the world, and gives you up to date information on newly found research concerning pediatric health care and to promote pediatric surgical research and education. This website is for members only and I give it a rating of  a C because excellent job at keeping all members in constant contact with up to date actives, accomplishments, and newly open job positions in their field; but it does only accommodate to one specific group of people and does not tell you how to join the association as a new member.
If looking for a different vibe, you should consider entering a private practice. Visit to find out what private practices are about, how they operate, and how to become apart of a private practice. This private organization consist of  experienced colleagues, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses and care coordinators that are on staff at Childrens' Hospital Boston. I give this website a B for their professional appeal but also because they lack many additional visuals that would help aid in the sites credibility and use of advanced vocabulary that others who are not doctors wouldn't understand.

Monday, June 25, 2012

To view my recent posted comments check out the links below

A digital world of opportunity awaits at Howard University

After visiting Howard University's' site for undergraduate, graduate, and international student admissions (. I found their site to be well organized and detailed when it came to searching for specific information based on your interest. I give this site an A+ for it's easy use of direct scholarship application links, direct contact information and up to date information about what's going on around campus. I recommend this site for any student looking for a traditional but prestigious HBCU to attend. The site is easy to navigate and while searching throughout the site I learned about the various diverse academic and professional student organizations they have to offer. There are numerous to choose from and they all accommodate to every student from any background, and also offers clubs and organizations that will fit any students personality, career path, and passion. Although they do offer contact links to the heads of these clubs and organizations, they don't list how to get involved or recruited into the organizations, which is one improvement they should consider making.
 If interested in athletics you should visit for their list of both women's and men's sports that they offer, ticket admissions, season calenders, and up to date accomplishments of their sports teams. This site accommodates to the interests of prospective student athletes or even Howard fans looking to buy tickets for the upcoming games. Although the site does not list coaches or administrators contact information, you may experience difficulty when attempting to get into contact with their athletic department. I give this site a B for being detailed concerning seasonal schedules, and ticket information but they lack contact information which is a vital source when interested in getting involved.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Passion for Helping

You would be amazed at how much you get out of volunteering, the excitement of knowing your efforts will impact some body's life is an indescribable feeling. I have volunteered over 120 hours in service hours to many places in my community; including The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, The Senior Atrium High Rise, a free Community Car Wash, and with Clark Atlanta Upward Bound Program.  I strongly believe that those to who much is given, much is expected! Practicing selflessness helps me to be patient with myself and others and well as to grow from my experiences and appreciate those around me. I can honestly say I know what to be humble means, seeing how I never take for granite the things I have in my life.  However I am here to advise you when choosing somewhere to volunteer it is wise to pick something you are interested in or something that you are passionate about. Its also much more fun an exciting when your friends are there to share the experience with you, so invite others when volunteering, you never know how much of an impact you can make. Remember, there is power in numbers.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Keeping up a faimly tradition

My longer term goal in life is the become a pediatric surgeon and help impact my community. I know what many challenges and obstacles I am up against, but I know my ambition and dedication will take me far. I choose this career because of my family history of work in the medical field. My aunts work for Grady Memorial Hospital Health system; one as a burn unit registered nurse and the other as a OBGYN. My other aunt works as a mortar for Emory Hospital while my mom is a social worker for prenatal health and new born screening for all of Georgia. My opinion, why not keep the legacy going and become my familys' first surgeon? The sky is the limit!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Dream College

Reminiscing on my eighth grade experience at Inman Middle School I came to a epiphany that The University of Georgia was the college of my dreams. I remember our class trip like it was yesterday. My class mates and I were overwhelmed at the site of such a dynamic college campus. It was my first college tour and I was eager to learn as much about college as I could consume in a 30 minute tour. I remember our tour guide, who was also their star quarterback during that time bragging and boasting about their D1 ranked athletics department. His hubris attitude when giving us a tour throughout the football stadium showed how satisfied he was with their performance on and off the field. However, the cafeteria food caught my attention, the many selections and choices amazed me but the fact that it was buffet style was the icing on the cake! My classmates pointed out that the surrounding community was no different from where we lived, diverse and full of energy. I admired the diversity among the thousands of students on the campus, and at that very moment I knew UGA was the place I wanted to be.