Friday, July 6, 2012

My Love For Writing

Writing can take you to new heights! When I write I feel free to express myself in any way I choose. I can write about virtually anything, it can be something I'm thinking, something I came up with from my imagination, or even something I've experienced. Writing is also an outlet for expressing myself, as long as I don't use actual names it causes no harm to others around me or those I care about. I write for recreation, but it ties closely into reading because the More I read, the more resourceful it becomes when writing. I write about my feelings, my thoughts, my experiences, and even things I wish to experience or pursue. Writing is an every day activity for us, whether it's writing in school, home, in the work place or even when signing documents. When you write , it helps to expand vocabulary and improve penmanship! Others can also see what you write, whether it's poetry, spoken word, blogs, or a short story.

Clark Atlanta UpWard Bound Summer Program

Clark Atlanta University offers a dynamic academic summer program to eligible APS students in their feeder communities.This summer will be my second year participating in the program and I must admit that being in the program helps to keep me engaged in my academics and helps to complete my community service requirements for graduation. Not only do we take instructional learning classes that relates to our up and coming classes during the school year, but we give back to our community, and have the opportunity to stay on a college campus and tour other colleges along the way! This summer, the up and coming senior class on 2013 had a variety of class courses to complete. My two most rewarding classes included 12th grade literature, and public speaking.In our literature class we learn more than how to use correct grammar when writing, but we also learn how to write proper papers for certain classes. We also learn how to incorporate new vocabulary into our writing and learn how to apply it real life situations.We also learn how to write a paper the could earn us a high score on our ACT/SAT test, which I find to be very helpful. In our public speaking class we learn not only how to be comfortable in front of large crowds, but we learn how to use good body language, eye contact, tone of voice and also how to enunciate our words when speaking. We have debates to help us to learn how to defend a point of view with confidence and be able to think quick on our feet. I find these classes to be very helpful and beneficial not only inside of our classroom but in everyday life.

Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Cyber Terrorism

Phishing e-mails, phone calls and websites are a way for cyber criminals to steal money. They can do this by persuading you to download miscellaneous software of deceiving you into filling our personal information under false pretense. When looking for signs of cyber criminals, you should pay attention to minor details; when in an e-mail look for things such as 1. spelling or grammar errors, 2. the using of popular sites, 3.links in e-mails, and 4. especially treats! Facebook has become a major site the cybercriminals to target. Sometimes we make recognize when we have 5. spam in our inbox, sometimes we may fall into 6. wall posts that "let us view who's been visiting our profile." Other common Facebook scams include; 7. Fake Polls Or Questionnaires, 8. fake money transfer scams, and 9. even fake friend request. Messages and posts such as these are all signs of cybercriminals attempt to get into our computer system and steal personal information. Their soul purpose is to make money. Phishing phone calls will include someone calling to sell you a 10. software for your computer, or someone trying to convince you that they may can help fix your computer by you downloading their software. If gaining your trust, they will most likely ask you to download a software that can help them access your computer in order so that they can fix it.